Downloading Microsoft Office 365

Location:  Technology Support\Application Support

Last Update: 20240610


These instructions apply to current students, staff, adjuncts, and faculty.


For Personal Computers, please use the below instructions to download:

Users can download Microsoft Office for free by going to Quick Links in the portal (Students and Faculty). Here the user is directed to the web page below. Once here, the user will need to make sure they are logged in with their Clark State information.


After clicking on “Download Microsoft Office (Free)” under quick links, users will need to login through Microsoft one more time. Students should use the format, and NOT


Users can download Microsoft Office on up to 5 different devices.


Note: Installation cannot be performed on a Chromebook. How to access Microsoft Office on a Chromebook


For Mobile Devices, please use the below instructions to download:

Download the Office Apps on your device, then login with your Clark State username and password (Student will need to use for this, NOT


When on the Office 365 page, to download software, choose "Phone & Tablet" from the options on the left side, and follow the directions.

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